Get FREE stuff legally!

Yes, it is possible to get free stuff legally and without any nasy side effects. you have probably looked around for ways to get FREE microsfot points or an apple ipad and found that some of the website are lying or require you to complete PAID offers, who wants to pay for free stuff!?! I know i dont and that i why I use the only site I trust!

yep, is what I use to get free stuff, dont believe me? Take a look at my points2shop profile and see all the free stuff I have gotten! I joined points2shop in january 2009 and back then the site had only 50,000 members, but now over a year later that number is at over 1 million members! Points2shop has quickly become the biggest GPT site on the internet and you know why? Becuase points2shop WORKS!

What can I get from Points2shop?

Unlike most GPT sites where you have to choose from a very limited number of rewards points2shop instead allows you to choose ANYTHING from! So its not just Micorsoft Points and consoles oh no, If you've seen a pair of nifty sunglasses on Amazon but dont have the cash then you could get those sunglasses FREE with Points2shop! Hey even I ordered Ear plugs and a foam plane, what can i say, I just wanted them!

How does it work?

On Points2shop you earn points which you can then redeem for prizes from $1=100 Points so an item costing $19.99 on Amazon would cost you 1999 Points on Points2shop.

How to earn points

On Points2shop there are many ways to earn;
  1. Complete offers (100% FREE, No Credit Card.... EVER!)
  2. Refer Friends (Get $1 instantly and then 15% of whatever they make)
  3. Win Games (Test your skills against other members)
Thats not all, there is loads more, Weekly Lotto, Daily number limbo, Monthly and weekly contests, Forum contests and even shoutbox contests! there is an amazing number of ways to earn and your sure to find something your good at!

How do I sign up?

You ready to join already? You  sure are eager to earn some FREE stuff! Ok just CLICK HERE and you will be taken to Once you sign up you will get 250 FREE points to get you started! I wish you the best of luck and I hope you earn LOTS of FREE prizes!